It's been a month since the first online SHareCon was held. I'd never attended in person, and am unlikely to, so I'm glad it was online. I attended most of the panels, and while the content in a lot of ways isn't relevant to me, since I'm not really active in fandom, it felt very pleasant to have that background chatter going on about fandom and fanfic, even as I often focused on other tasks on my computer. I doubt I'm the only one who hopes that future SHareCons will be held online.
I was both perplexed and amused by a "Writing AU" panel that quickly turned into a discussion about labeling, and no surprise that pretty much all who commented had a different idea as to what qualified to be labeled "AU", among other things. Labels are such a funny thing. They're intended to be a benefit that gives everyone a common reference point, but since few can agree on what the reference is for any given label, I question how helpful they truly are. If anything, they primarily prompt potential readers to be too quick to place a story into a group that they feel they don't want to read, and that's a bummer outcome for writers.
I did actually start a new standalone story six or eight weeks ago. Wrote a few scenes and then forgot about it. Looked at it again last week, reread the scenes I'd written and liked them, but then wasn't sure where I wanted to go with it.